Tuesday, March 16

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

Every minute more than 22 children die from the effects of poverty.
Every second more than an acre of rainforest is lost to deforestation.
But we have one solution.
Rescue a Million's innovative program
simultaneously saves two of the earth's most precious
resources - children and the environment.

Rescue a Million helps provide the hard-working parents of children all over the world with micro-loans to start small businesses. With their loans, in the form of cash, equipment, or animals, parents can begin to change the quality of life for themselves and their children. With their new business, or with much needed expansions to an already existing enterprise, parents can generate the income necessary to afford the food, clothing, shelter, medicine and education their
children need-often breaking the bonds of poverty forever. Lives are saved when children are rescued from poverty


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